Dinosaur List P

Protarchaeopteryx robusta

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"first Archaeopteryx"

Describer Ji & Ji, 1997
Also Known As --
Type of Species robusta
Order Saurischia
SubOrder Theropoda
InfraOrder Oviraptorosauria
Micro-Order --
SuperFamily --
Family --
SubFamily --
Size 5 feet (1.5 meters) long
Period Early Cretaceous, 127 million years ago
Fossilsite China
Diet Carnivore

Protarchaeopteryx lived during the Early Cretaceous Period, about 127 million years ago in what is now China. Protarchaeopteryx was a feathered dinosaur, is noticeable for its long arms with their three fingered clawed hands, and its fan-like tail. Protarchaeopteryx had wings that were symmetrical in shape, like the wings of modern flightless birds. This finding suggests that Protarchaeopteryx would not have been able to fly. This small dinosaur had long legs, this dinosaur was probably a fast runner and probably hunted small insects, mammals, or reptiles. Protarchaeopteryx was anatomically similar to Archaeopteryx. Even though it lived later than Archaeopteryx, Protarchaeopteryx was more primitive and unable to fly. Protarchaeopteryx's feathers may have been used as insulation to keep the dinosaur warm, or may have been used to attract other members of the opposite sex, used for display. Since the feathers were not used to fly.

Protarchaeopteryx robusta