Indosaurus matleyi - Asian Dinosaurs
Homepage > Asian Dinosaurs - Indosaurus matleyi
"Indian lizard"
Describer Huene & Matley, 1933
Also Known As --
Type of Species matleyi
Order Saurischia
SubOrder Theropoda
InfraOrder Ceratosauria
Micro-Order --
SuperFamily Abelisauroidea
Family Abelisauridae
Size 36 feet (11 meters) long
Period Late Cretaceous Period, about 65 million years
Fossilsite India
Diet Carnivore
lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 65 million years ago in
what is now India. Indosaurus grew to 30 feet long and it weighed about
1,500 pounds. This large carnivore may have had horns over its eyes.
Researchers from Argentina have found many similarities between Indosaurus and South America dinosaurs such as the horned Carnotoros and Abelisaurus. The similarities between these dinosaurs suggest that there may once been a land connection between india and South America. The findings of Indosaurus are based on a braincase that now may have been lost.