Chindesaurus bryansmalli - Saurischian Dinosaurs
Homepage > Saurischian Dinosaurs - Chindesaurus brynsmalli
"ghost or evil spirit lizard"
Describer Long & Murry, 1995
Also Known As --
Type of Species bryansmalli
Order Saurischia
SubOrder ?Theropoda
InfraOrder Herrerasauria
Micro-Order --
Family Herrerasauridae
Size 6.5 feet (2 meters) long
Period Late Triassic, 225 million years ago
Fossilsite Arizona, USA
Diet Carnivore
Chindesaurus was a theropod dinosaur that was discovered in Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, by Bryan Small in 1984. The fossil findings consisted of a partial skeleton. Chindesaurus lived during the Late Triassic Period about 225 million years ago. It measured between 6-12 feet (3.5 meters) in length. Chindesaurus bryansmalli, was described by Long and Murry in 1995, it was named after its discoverer.