Eustreptospondylus divesinsis - Carnivore Dinosaurs
Homepage > Carnivore Dinosaurs - Eustreptospondylus divesinsis
"well-curved vertebra"
Describer Walker, 1964
Also Known As Piveteausaurus, Taquet and Welles, 1977;
Piveteausaurus divesensis, Walker, 1964.
Type of Species divesinsis
Order Saurischia
SubOrder Theropoda
InfraOrder --
Micro-Order --
Family Megalosauridae
Size 17-23 feet (5-7 meters) in length
Period Jurassic Middle Callovian
Fossilsite Marnes de Dives, Calvados, France
Diet Bipedal Carnivore
Eustreptospondylus was a genus of megalosaurid dinosaurs from the Middle Jurassic Period, its remains were discovered in Southern England. The name given is in reference to the arrangement of the spine in the original fossil ("well-curved vertebra") Eustreptospondylus is believed to have grown up to 23 feet (7 meters) in length. It was bipedal carnivore that possessed a muscular tail, similar to other theropods. It also possessed powerful hind limbs, maintained an erect posture and had small forelimbs.