Cretaceous Dinosaurs

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Chirostenotes pergracilis - Cretaceous Dinosaurs

Homepage > Cretaceous Dinosaurs - Chirostenotes pergracilis

"narrow hand"

Describer Gilmore, 1924
Also Known As Macrophalangia Sternberg, 1932; Caenagnathus Sternberg, 1940
Type of Species
Chirostenotes pergracilis (Gilmore, 1924)
Macrophalangia canadensis (Sternberg, 1932)
Chirostenotes elegans (Sues, 1997)
Elmisaurus elegans (Parks, 1933)
Ornithomimus elegans (Parks, 1933)
Order Saurischia
SubOrder Theropoda
InfraOrder Oviraptorosauria
Micro-Order --
Family Caenagnathidae
SubFamily Caenagnathinae
Size 6 feet (1.8 meters) long
Period Late Cretaceous, 75 million years ago
Fossilsite Alverta, Canada, USA
Diet Carnivore

Chirostenotes pergacilis Dinosaur Chirostenotes pergracilis was an oviraptor dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 80 million years ago in what is now Alberta Canada. Chirostenotes had a beak, the beak is not as heavily constructed as in the Asian Oviraptoridae, it possessed long arms that ended with powerful claws, long slender toes.

The first Chirostenotes was found in the Dinosaur Park Formation of Canada. Most of the dinosaurs found in Canada have come from this Formation. Chirostenotes was about 9.5 feet (3 meters) in length, 3 feet (1 meter) tall at the hips. It is believed that it weighed about 110 lbs.

Chirostenotes pergracilis Dinosaur
Image courtesy of Luis Rey